Nineveh Recycles

May 29 2022

And then a USB stick arrived. Air Mail is apparently as slow as passenger air travel. It contains some very interesting exchanges of emails and also a Safeguarding Investigation Terms of Reference for the Investigation into the Dean signed on behalf of Christ Church by none other than…. Winkworth Sherwood !

Then we have some “Risk Assessments” which look as if they followed the Church of England’s guidelines….but apparently didn’t.

Then we have some e-mails and a transcript of a conversation. We have blacked out some personal contact details since we have heard about the bad behavior of some people in the UK.

Enjoy the read.

Oh, and by the way, the memory stick went on our neighbors’ barbecue after we had had a good read of these documents so don’t bother to start searching the world for it. We have also run the documents through multiple metadata erasers and then added some false metadata from another document we downloaded from the internet in order to protect our sources.

If you would like to read the documents, click here

May 22 2022

The citizens of Nineveh are very conscious of the need to recycle. None more than our good friend Angus who, upon finding a folder of documents abandoned on the ground near some dustbins decided that he ought to be a good Ninevan and recycle them.

However, he is also a keen reader, and so took a good look at them first before recycling, and he felt that we might wish to share them with his fellow-citizens.

Thank you, Angus, a bottle of finest Ninevan wine will be sent by herald to your villa.

Meantime, we invite you to share the following documents which we have of course purged of metadata before sharing:

A letter from September 2021 from Prof Percy to Bishop Steven (?Croft?) requesting an independent enquiry

A collection of information about Safeguarding Allegations and the actions of Winkworth Sherwood and Luther Pendragon

A letter from Prof Percy to Maggie Atkinson about an independent enquiry

Terms of Reference for an Independent Enquiry

A Draft Set of Terms of Reference from Maggie Atkinson marked “draft” for a Review by the Church of England’s Independent Safeguarding Board.

Happy reading, Ninevans. Angus will keep watching the same bins on his way home each night just in case…..