And Finally

Here at Nineveh, we have spent a lot of time looking at the various flawed processes relating to the attacks on Professor Martyn Percy which implicate the Hierarchy of the Church of England, the Diocese of Oxford, the Staff of Christ Church Oxford and various ‘professional’ representatives of all of the above.

But what about the alleged ‘victim’ in all this ?

Ms Alanah Jeune chose to make her identity public some years ago, and continues to publish unfounded allegations even though her case has been dismissed by the most senior judge in the Church of England, as well as by Thames Valley Police.

She stridently declares that she was ‘sexually assaulted’ yet the act of which she has accused Prof. Percy (which he has always totally denied) was touching her hair for less than 10 seconds. No authority has ever deemed that this would have been in any way a sexual assault (were it to be true, which Prof. Percy states that it is not).

Miss Jeune has received a payment from Christ Church (made out of court and therefore not arising from any judicial process) but this was not at the behest of or with the approval of Prof. Percy, who also received a total of more than £2 million in damages and associated costs from Christ Church. As you will see below, there are even questions about whether she was an employee of Christ Church.

It should also be noted that despite the enormous publicity which this matter received, no student, alumnus or member of staff from any institution where Prof. Percy has ever taught, nor any colleague from his long and distinguished career has come forward to make similar allegations to those of Miss Jeune. Yet this allegation arises at a particularly sensitive moment when Prof. Percy was engaged in complex litigation against Christ Church having already been completely cleared of a vast number of complaints levelled against him by the College.

It also should be noted that this was not a case of “he said, she said” because there was a witness present at the time of the alleged incident who asserted that “nothing untoward happened” but whose evidence was suppressed by the supposedly ‘independent’ investigation by Kate Wood.

Miss Jeune’s claims have changed over time and have become more lurid, so perhaps it is time to look at these more closely.

The document below looks at 9 specific claims by Ms Jeune and either refutes them or places them into a wider context, which demonstrates that each of them is either untrue or less sinister than the way in which they have been portrayed.