Some More Reading From The Library of Nineveh

The Library of Nineveh has just finished cataloguing some more documents which we think Ninevans will find interesting about the case of Professor Martyn Percy.

Follow the links below to read more by downloading the .PDF files to which they are linked. And don’t worry about the metadata, sadly the process of translating them into Nivevan may have corrupted some of this, so you can’t rely on what you see 😉

A note from Alison Talbot of Winkworth Sherwood 22 October 2020

This email was sent within a few hours of Dr. Percy completing his interview with Kate Wood. It indicates that Winckworth Sherwood may have had access to Wood’s investigation, and that they, the  lawyers for Christ Church and Oxford Diocese, were effectively running Wood’s work. It subsequently emerged that the lawyers prosecuting the Dean had set Wood’s Terms of Reference. Wood had refused to disclose who was directing her work. Yet Dr. Percy was being attacked within hours of giving his testimony, by lawyers and clergy already prosecuting him.


Correspondence between Alison Talbot, Christ Church staff and the Church of England National Safeguarding Team

These emails show how Winckworth Sherwood were attempting to persuade newspapers and journalists to run adverse safeguarding stories against Dr. Percy. Despite the seven “safeguarding allegations” being groundless, the lawyers acting for Christ Church and Oxford Diocese continued in their relentless and mendacious campaign. The Bishop of Oxford has defended his lawyers acting in this way.

Read about it at

Restrictions imposed on Professor Percy

These restrictions were imposed by a combination of Winckworth Sherwood, Canon Richard Peers (Christ Church) and others in their perpetration of what this site views as deliberate weaponisation of safeguarding processes against Dr. Percy. The restrictions follow no CofE or University process and represent a fundamental breach of human rights. They seem to have been designed solely to undermine and harm the Dean. And the lawyers approved them.

Read for yourself at

Curating and Promoting Earlier Safeguarding Concerns

This is a more detailed account of the deliberate curation of false safeguarding allegations perpetrated against Dr. Percy.

Both Archbishops have seen all of these emails, including those by the Church lawyers, Winckworth Sherwood. They have refused to take any action.

Likewise the Bishop of Oxford has refused to censure those he works with who have conducted the deliberate weaponisation of safeguarding against Dr. Percy.

Read the details here at

Falsified / Bogus Risk Assessments

These follow no known CofE or University policy or practice. The Bishop of Oxford defended this document as “an assessment of risk, not a Risk Assessment, which is different”. This is a meaningless and deceitful distinction. Furthermore, “Risk Assessment” is printed at the top of every page. The CofE logo has been cut and pasted from the internet. Kate Wood has publicly denied signing them. So did Richard Woodley, Oxford Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor.

Read them for yourself at

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